Surya Steel and Alloys

Surya Steel & Alloys are the largest manufactures, stockists, supplier and exporter of various types of Forged Fittings whose application in various industries and is known for their durability and strength. The Forged Fittings that we offer to our clients are available in different grades and qualities.

The main products including Socket weld fittings, Screwed-Threaded Fittings. The materials of products including Carbon steel, Stainless steel, Duplex stainless steel, Alloy steel and Nickel-based alloy and so on ,All products can be manufactured upon some standards such as ASME B16.11,BS3799,MSS SP-83,MSS SP-95,MSS SP-97 and JIS B2316, while some non-standard products can be manufactured upon users’ drawings.

Our company aims to achieve all the goals in terms of client satisfaction and success. The products offered by us finds application in diverse industries such as Refineries, Gas Processing, Power Generation, Pharmaceuticals, Steel, Cement, Construction, Engineering and more. We have captured both national and international market and thus has created a niche for ourselves in the industry.


Productos y Servicios
Socket Weld Fittings Supplier & Manufacturer
Socket weld fittings are a type of pipe fittings that are joined to the pipe into a blank area of fittings. These fittings are widely used in small pipe diameters mainly for the piping system whose nominal diameter is NPS 2 or smaller than that. To join the pipe with the valve or make any connection..

Información de la Empresa

Surya Steel and Alloys
Tabasco, TABASCO

Surya Steel and Alloys
Tabasco, TABASCO




Palabras Relacionadas con el sitio: Socket Weld Fittings, Screwed-Threaded Fittings, Forged Fittings, Buttweld Fittings, Flanges, Pipes, Tubes , en Tabasco, TABASCO, Socket Weld Fittings, Screwed-Threaded Fittings, Forged Fittings, Buttweld Fittings, Flanges, Pipes, Tubes , en Tabasco, MéxicoTABASCO, México